Praxis Care Headquarters – 18 Windsor Avenue, Belfast

Praxis Care Headquarters – 18 Windsor Avenue, Belfast

Praxis Care Headquarters – 18 Windsor Avenue, Belfast In May 2020 planning permission was granted for the demolition of the existing office building and the construction of 17 apartments with amended access. Praxis has a changing need for office space with more employees working on a more flexible basis and splitting their time between home working and office working. Following the Covid-19 pandemic the workplace solution needs greater space for fewer employees. At the same time Praxis’ existing headquarters office on Lisburn Road is no longer fit for purpose and in order to accommodate staff on a flexible basis they require an increase in office accommodation at Windsor Avenue to accommodate their corporate services. These needs have led to the formulation of these proposals which will in essence see the…
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Ballyreagh Road development.

In 2019 an outline planning application was submitted for the whole of the land zoned for housing and open space between Bowtown Road and Movilla Road, that application is currently being processed.  This proposal is to develop the southern part of the area in line with the 2019 master plan. Because of Covid-19 it is not advisable to hold a traditional consultation event and we have decided to hold a virtual event on Zoom instead.  That event will take place on 15th February between 10:00am and 1:00pm and 2:00pm and 4:00pm, please email to register and reserve a place. Although we had hoped to have our virtual event on 16 December 2021 Planners asked that the design was developed further, so a more detailed design of the proposal will be made available in…
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Ballyreagh Village, Bowtown Road, Newtownards PDFs

Case studies
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Boucher Square

Boucher Square

Case studies, Featured
This proposal brought a new concept to retail warehouse parks in NI, that being a stand alone restaurant/food court. This site had a complex planning history which Pragma assisted the client in negotiating a path through to obtain consent for this scheme. Although now complete, planning permission has been granted to extend it further with work due to commence on site shortly.
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Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle

Case studies, Featured
Dunluce Castle Tourist Visitors Centre involves the provision of a new visitors centre adjacent to the castle. Pragma were instructed after the project had been in the planning system for several years and had become stagnated. We in association with Carson McDowell Solicitors injected new life into the project, following a fundamental review of the issues, which were obviously heritage, archaeology, visual impact and planning policy related. In addition there was competition from a rival scheme some distance away that was being promoted by NIEA. The forensic review of the project necessitated some alterations to the scheme but resulted in a planning permission being granted at Planning Appeal for the same floorspace as had originally been sought. The scheme is progressing to reserved matters at present.
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Belvoir Park Project

Belvoir Park Project

Case studies, Featured
Belvoir Park, which is currently on site, is set to become one of Belfast’s most prestigious residential developments. Pragma were instructed from the outset to undertake a fundamental review of the previous outline planning permission and provide strategic advice to the London based client on how to take the scheme forward. The project involved close collaboration with the various architectural practices working on the scheme to ensure the issues of conservation, contamination, ecology and roads were adequately addressed. We also established a close working relationship with NIEA in respect of the Listed Buildings across the site and ensured that the scheme progressed through revisions to the original masterplan and a series of reserved matters and non-material change applications that ensured refurbishment of individual listed buildings were undertaken in association with…
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Pragma Planning obtains Planning Permission for new hotel complex

Archive, Case studies
Planning Permission has been approved for a new 66 bed hotel with leisure and conference facilities, restaurants, bars and associated car parking and landscaping works. The planning application was submitted in March 2011 for the new hotel, leisure and conference complex on the Glenavy Road, Lisburn. The application process involved in depth negotiation with Road Service and Lisburn City Council’s Environmental Health Department to bring forward this highly valuable planning consent which will. When the development is constructed the new hotel, leisure and conference venue will supplement the existing high quality hotel provision within the City and will provide a choice of venues within Lisburn.
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Householder Development

The PHD form should only be used for applications for Full Planning Permission for works of alteration/ extension to a dwelling or other development for domestic purposes within the curtilage of a dwelling (e.g. erection of a garage) phd_june07
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