The nature of planning is diverse and this list is not an exhaustive one. If you do not find what you are looking for please click here to send us an email detailing your query.
What We Do
Pragma is a Professional Services firm specialising in the delivery of Planning and Surveying services – we are the only such firm in Northern Ireland who are Regulated by RICS.
At Pragma our clients benefit from only ever dealing with Directors of the firm who are Professionally qualified as either Chartered Town Planners and/or Chartered Surveyors.
Pragma undertakes a forensic investigation of each case and discovers the approach that others may have missed.
We then formulate the best case possible including addressing and mitigating any potential pitfalls.
We actively manage the planning process from pre-application discussions and community engagement, through dealing directly with planning consultees, to the delivery of the planning decision.
Pragma operates in the following Practice areas:
- Planning Applications
- Community & Stakeholder Engagement
- Planning Appeals
- Judicial Challenge
- Feasibility Studies
- Valuation and Asset Management
What We Don’t Do
Pragma has always operated unobtrusively by word of mouth referrals, we are happy to operate in this way because we believe it provides the best results for our clients and only step forward where it is absolutely necessary to do so. That means that we don’t advertise, we don’t do “Top 10’s” and we don’t seek awards because we don’t need to. If you have a development related problem that no one else seems to be able to solve contact us for a free consultation to discuss the issues to see if we can apply our lateral thought approach as an alternative to the methods already tried.